Failure Analysis

Temperature & Mechanical Seals

Of all the various factors that can affect the performance and life expectancy of a mechanical seal (and there are many), the operating temperature is one of the most critical, and is a vital factor to consider. This is true for more than simply the selection of seal type and materials however; it is also […]


Mechanical Seal Materials of Construction

Mechanical seals consist of multiple components critical to successfully preventing leakage of the pumped process fluid. Material selection of seal faces, secondary sealing members, and metal components all factor in to how long a mechanical seal will properly operate. The components making up the mechanical seal differ based on the seal type. Process fluid chemical […]

Failure Analysis

The Art and Science of Failure Analysis

Replacing mechanical seals is an inevitable and necessary part of maintenance on pumps and other rotating equipment. While they can sometimes run for many years without issue, their service life and performance can be affected by a large number of variables. In order to maximize the mean time between replacement (MTBR), it is necessary to […]


Understanding Seal Selection – STAMPS

No, this isn’t going to be a discussion on postage stamps, however intriguing an in-depth commentary on the history of the postal service or the stamp collecting scene may be. Instead, we will be evaluating some fundamentals of application engineering in relation to mechanical seals, with a term that can make life easier for all […]

Company News

Welcome to PPC’s New Website (finally)!

For those of you that know us, we have been talking about launching our new website for 2 years… well now it’s here! We would like to blame the supply chain and the pandemic for the delay; however, those excuses don’t apply here, we have simply been busy making seals. For the record, 4 out […]